Termites cause more damage than tornadoes, hail storms,
wind storms, and hurricanes combined.
Termites cost Americans more than $1 billion each year.
You can buy insurance for many sources of home damage,
but not for termites.
Termites have been around for more than 240 million years.
They adapt to ever changing environments. Termites are
natures way to break down wood and return it to the soil.
Termites can not determine the difference between the wood
in the forest where your home was built and the wood
members of your home.
Termites can infest almost every part of your home.
Termites can enter your home through a crack or opening
as thin as a piece of paper.
Termites never stop working and eating. They work 24 hours a day.
Termite colonies can average more than a million termites.
1) If you live in an area where termites are a known problem, we recommend that you have your home inspected for termites once each year and before buying a home, or prior to selling a home.
2) Avoid wood to ground contact such as wood siding (6 inches minimum clearance between wood siding and the soil).
3) Wood decking built on the soil surface or wood members in contact with the soil should be treated.
4) Excessive moisture under or adjacent to the structure. AC condensate drain line draining next to the foundation or poor
surface drainage. AC condensate drain line should drain at
least 5 feet from the foundation. Poor surface drainage should be improved. Use the advice of a professional in this area due to the possibility of causing foundation and or drainage problems.
5) Foliage growing next to and/or on the structure (Vines and shrubs are common problems) should be trimmed back and away from the structure..
6) Wood pile adjacent to the structure should be removed.
7) Wood fence in contact with the structure should have at least 6 inches of clearance or be treated.
8) Wood used in and over foundation expansion joints should be removed and the joints treated.
9) Tree branches contacting the structure should be cut back from the structure..
10) Wood form boards left in place around the foundation should be removed or treated.
Although termites are famous for their ability to eat wood, causing damage to wooden structures and recycling cellulose in the soil, they are unable to digest the wood that they eat. To break down the cellulose, termites enlist the help of a variety of microorganisms. Some termites, for example, dig tunnels in the wood, and then inoculate the tunnels with fungi that grow on the wood. These termites then eat the fungi, not the wood itself.
Termite Control
Eliminate all contact between the soil and all wood members that are part of the building. This is a highly labour intensive task with very little material costs involved.
Remove all scrap wood from the premises. Provide access (if necessary) under porches and clear out any debris. Avoid storing firewood on the ground. Pile logs away from the building on a raised platform made of concrete or other suitable material.
Basements and underfloor crawlspaces should be ventilated to control dampness. Spaces under decks and orches should also be ventilated.
Eliminate any contact with wood members and the concrete basement floor. Any water penetration through the foundation where there are wood floors or partitions nearby should be rectified immediately.
Ensure that surface water is channeled away from the foundation wall. This is achieved by sloping ground/walkways/patios, etc. away from the house for the first four feet.
Maintain eavestroughs and down spouts. If down spouts discharge on grade, extensions should be added to divert rain water away from the house.
Review roof coverings and flashings annually. Plastic roofing cement should be used to repair any minor faults that have developed.
The exterior wall assembly should be inspected annually. Any faults in the wall covering should be repaired immediately. Caulking should be used at all joints of dissimilar materials.